Bass Culture 70/50 Expo is a major photograpic exhibition specially commissioned film, live music, new art works, five decades of filmed interviews, and special guests.
Scarlett Raven - The Danger Tree
A fascinating project dealing with cutting edge technology of Augmented Reality meeting fine art. I was asked to put the campaign together by Marc Marot and Andy Frain. This involved designing a web site, brochure, art prints, posters, invites, T shirts etc. All of this to launch fine artist Scarlett Raven. Needless to say the show was a sell out - with every painting sold and limited edition prints sold.

Scarlett Raven - Web site

Jimi Hendrix - Cherokee
I was asked by Adrian Boot to create an image for a Jimi Hendrix exhibition. The idea for the show was to give a selection of established designers, image makers a choice of known photographs for them to reinterpret in an arty way. For me this had little appeal as it didn't feel like I'd be creating anything new. So I asked for some footage of Jimi from which I shot a series of stills. Amongst them was a silhouette of Jimi which formed the basis of the image. With the help from artist Sharon Pinsker we arranged the stills to create the collage.


Trash - Finding the art in Trash
This series was exhibited in London galleries in Fulham and Chelsea. Throughout the 70's I was fascinated with the work airbrush king Phillip Castle. I decided to create my own versions so went about finding the perfect crushed cans. I spent ages picking up cans in the street but never the right one. It was only when I went to the Notting Hill Carnival did my dream come true. I was surrounded by what seemed like millions of them. So I filled a sack full and with the help of high def camera's and photoshop I created a series.